Version 1.3.1 of the MOSCAIC 2B Control Unit (MCU) as well as the MOSAIC 2B Player Platform (MPP) have been released on 24.12.2014. The MCU represents the central point of control for the overall MOSAIC 2B system. The MCU is responsible for the following main component interfaces in the MOSAIC 2B system:
- Support backend functions required by the MPP.
- Interaction with an Edge Infostation in order to inject content into the DTN network destined for micro-entrepreneurs.
- Interaction with a WASP to facilitate with mobile payments.
- Interaction with the Analytics Service to a) expose system data and b) assist in forwarding resulting analytics content back to micro-entrepreneurs.
Micro-entrepreneurs taking part in the MOSAIC 2B project will be supplied with a “cinema-in-a-backpack” containing a tablet device. The MPP represents the custom developed application which will be installed on the tablets. Micro-entrepreneurs will use the MPP on the tablets to perform the following main functions:
- Browse media catalogue
- Order media content
- Receive media content downloaded through the DTN
- Pay for media content
- Upload screening event information for further analysis
- Basic accounting
- Browse visual analytics results